Non-urgent advice: Tattenhall Village Surgery
Monday | 8.00 am to 6.30 pm |
Tuesday | 8.00 am to 6.30 pm |
Wednesday | 8.00 am to 6.30 pm |
Thursday | 8.00 am to 6.30 pm |
Friday | 8.00 am to 6.30 pm |
Weekend | CLOSED |
Non-urgent advice: Farndon Village Surgery
Monday | 8.30 am to 5.30 pm |
Tuesday | 8.30 am to 5.30 pm |
Wednesday | 8.30 am to 5.30 pm |
Thursday | 8.30 am to 5.30 pm |
Friday | 8.30 am to 1.00 pm |
Weekend | CLOSED |
Non-urgent advice: Appointment Options
Did you know that we are able to offer you a wide variety of appointments to suit your specific needs? Telephone, video or face to face. On many occasions it is not clinically required to see a clincian at the surgery. Often a telephone discussion is more suitable.
Our appointment system allows each patient 10 minutes. Should you wish to discuss more than one issue, please tell the receptionist who will arrange a double appointment for you.
Non-urgent advice: Book your appointment online
You can now view, book and cancel GP/ANP appointments from home, work or on the move.
What’s more, this is a 24 hour online service – you can do this in your own time, day or night.
There are GP/ANP appointments available to book from one day up to two weeks in advance.
Don't forget to put a reason for your appointment, failure to do so will result in your appointment being cancelled.
Please note: this is for GP/ANP appointments ONLY.
DO NOT book for blood tests, annual reviews, smears or contraceptive implants.

Non-urgent advice: Appointments on the Day
Appointments are arranged on the day by ringing the surgery from 08:00am.
These appointments are for urgent or acute problems.
Please be prepared to explain to the receptionist the nature of your problem so that we can deal with it appropriately.
Pre-bookable appointments can be made up to two weeks in advance via online and up to 7 days in advance by telephone.
Non-urgent advice: If you require a specific Doctor
It is your right to express a preference of practitioner. However, we cannot guarantee an appointment within 48 hours. If you wish to see a particular doctor it is advisable to book your appointment as far in advance as possible. This can be done via Patient Access.
Non-urgent advice: Chaperones
During your appointment with a doctor, nurse or physiotherapist, you are welcome to ask for a chaperone. The doctor, nurse or physiotherapist may also ask for a chaperone whilst they are examining you. This is perfectly normal and is for the benefit of both you and the Health Care Professional.

Non-urgent advice: Telephone advice
Our Doctors and Nurses have a number of telephone appointments available. Our Receptionists will be pleased to arrange this for you, kindly ensure that when taking the telephone call from the surgery you have a strong mobile phone signal, thank you.
Please call the surgery on 01829 771588 to book a telephone appointment or use the NHS App.
Non-urgent advice: Interpreter
Language Line - Interpreters
If you need an interpreter, please make sure that you tell our staff. That way we can arrange for an interpreter to join us during the consultation. We use a service called language line in order to ensure that we are able to clearly understand what you are telling us.
It is an important part of your care, so please do not hesitate to ask one of our receptionists to organise this for your appointment.

Non-urgent advice: Help Us To Help You:
- Be prepared to help us by giving the receptionist more information if requested. All our staff are trained to handle and respect confidential information.
- If you wish to see a particular doctor at a particular time on a non-urgent matter, please book your appointment online with as much advance notice as possible.
- If you need to cancel your appointment, please ring and let us know. Appointments are always in great demand and a missed appointment could be used by someone else.
Non-urgent advice: Home Visit
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. A GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls.
Any request for a possible home visit should be made by telephone between 09:00 am - 10:30 am. Due to demand on our GPs we will be unable to take home visits requests after 10:30 am.

Non-urgent advice: Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you may be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.
You can cancel your appointment:
- online
- via a link the text you receieved for your appointment reminder
- by phoning the practice
Non-urgent advice: Late For Your Appointment
Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen. If you are not seen you will be advised to rearrange your appointment.
Non-urgent advice: Request an appointment online via PATCHS
PATCHS is an online service that allows you to quickly and easily access GP services.
- You can create an account for PATCHS via the following link. You’ll be asked to enter your email address and set a password.
- Once you have created an account, you can access PATCHS by clicking the following link or opening the PATCHS app on your smartphone. Login by entering your email address & password.
- Choose the appropriate option and answer a few simple questions to help us understand your problem.
- Your answers are sent to the Practice as we will aim to respond as quickly as possible. Initial responses may be via online message, SMS or phone, with face-to-face, telephone or video consultation appointments scheduled if necessary.
Non-urgent advice: Pharmacy First
Pharmacists can give you advice on a range of conditions and suggest medicines that can help.
They may also be able to offer treatment and some prescription medicine for some conditions, without you needing to see a GP (this is called Pharmacy First). Conditions they can treat as part of Pharmacy First are:
- earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
- impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
- infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
- shingles (aged 18 years and over)
- sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
- sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
- urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)
If you go to a pharmacy with one of these conditions, the pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.
They will then update your GP health record.
If you are not within these age ranges, a pharmacist can still offer advice, but you may need to see a GP for treatment.

Non-urgent advice: Enhanced Access
GP Practices across the Rural Alliance offer patients enhanced access outside of the usual opening hours, to allow you to be seen at a more convenient time, to suit you.
Day | Session Time | Location |
Friday | 6.30pm - 8.00pm | Bunbury Medical Practice |
Saturday | 9.00am - 5.00pm | Bunbury Medical Practice |
Please contact the surgery on 01829 771588 to make an appointment.
Non-urgent advice: Protected Learning Time
We firmly believe that all our staff need to be well trained and to keep up to date with ongoing changes in the day to day work. The Village Surgeries Group, like other practices in the Chester area, closes for one afternoon a month, in order that staff training can be undertaken.
The practice is scheduled to be closed for training, from 1:00 pm until 8:00 am the next day on the following dates:
- Tuesday 4th February 2025
- Wednesday 12th March 2025
- Tuesday 1st April 2025
- Wednesday 14th May 2025
- Tuesday 3rd June 2025
- Wednesday 16th July 2025
- Tuesday 9th September 2025
- Wednesday 8th October 2025
- Tuesday 4th November 2025
- Tuesday 3rd February 2026
- Wedneday 11th March 2026
Please note Our telephones will switch to the 111 service on these dates from 1:00pm until 8:00 am the following morning.
To see what to do when we are closed click the link below.